DT-GEO Equality Committee Initiative: ‘Let’s highlight women in science’
Discover 13 stories about female scientific researchers whose work deserves applause, both within and outside the project.
Discover 13 stories about female scientific researchers whose work deserves applause, both within and outside the project.
Are you passionate about developing advanced methods for data assimilation in volcanic phenomena? DT-GEO is seeking a qualified researcher for a one-year grant position in Naples.
Following the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the DT-GEO Equality and Diversity Committee invites you to participate in our brief survey and share your stories about women scientific pioneers whose work deserves recognition, both within and outside the project, whether you have met them in person or not.
The Cities on Volcanoes conference held in Antigua Guatemala brought together experts in volcanic hazards, risk mitigation, and community resilience. Among the attendees were DT-GEO researchers Arnau Folch and Leonardo Mingari, who shared their recent work on volcanic hazard assessments and atmospheric dispersion modeling.
A recent paper published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment takes a close look at the Millennium eruption of Paektu (Changbaishan) volcano, one of the largest volcanic events of the last thousand years. The study, “Eruption plumes extended more than 30 km in altitude in both phases of the Millennium eruption of Paektu (Changbaishan) volcano,” is the result of collaboration among researchers Antonio Costa, Leonardo Mingari, Victoria Smith, Giovanni Macedonio, Danielle McLean, Arnau Folch, Jeonghyun Lee, and Sung-Hyo Yun.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 101058129.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.