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Empowering Women in Science: Share your story with DT-GEO

Following the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the DT-GEO Equality and Diversity Committee invites you to participate in our brief survey and share your stories about women scientific pioneers whose work deserves recognition, both within and outside the project, whether you have met them in person or not.


World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023

As we commemorate this year’s World Tsunami Awareness Day on November 5, we reflect on the resilience of Asia’s coastal and island communities, who have worked tirelessly to rebuild their lives and regional economies.


International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction: Spotlight on DT-GEO

Today, we join the world in acknowledging the United Nations’ International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, a crucial initiative aimed at highlighting the increasing gravity of natural disasters. This observance is more relevant than ever, as we approach a future projected to see a surge in disasters, affecting millions of lives and pushing more people into conditions of extreme poverty. It’s a day that aligns closely with the mission and vision of DT-GEO.

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