International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction: Spotlight on DT-GEO

Today, we join the world in acknowledging the United Nations' International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, a crucial initiative aimed at highlighting the increasing gravity of natural disasters. This observance is more relevant than ever, as we approach a future projected to see a surge in disasters, affecting millions of lives and pushing more people into conditions of extreme poverty. It's a day that aligns closely with the mission and vision of DT-GEO.

DT-GEO joins the world in acknowledging the United Nations’ International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, a crucial initiative aimed at highlighting the increasing gravity of natural disasters. This observance is more relevant than ever, as we approach a future projected to see a surge in disasters, affecting millions of lives and pushing more people into conditions of extreme poverty. It’s a day that aligns closely with the mission and vision of DT-GEO.

The Sobering Future Landscape

Based on current climate models, by the time we reach 2030, the planet could be hit by around 560 disasters each year. These disasters threaten to send an additional 37.6 million people into extreme poverty, and in a worst-case scenario, that number could rise to an alarming 100.7 million by 2030.

This year, the focus is on the crippling inequality exacerbated by disasters, a subject addressed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). The year’s theme challenges us to battle inequality to build a more resilient future. UNDRR urges us to take concerted actions to disrupt the recurring loop of disaster and escalating inequality.

Alignment with Global Initiatives

This year’s theme falls in line with international pacts such as the Sendai Framework, designed to curb the loss of life, economic damage, and infrastructure failure due to disasters. This framework is a companion to the Paris Agreement on climate change, both of which aim to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

DT-GEO: A Catalyst for Change in Disaster Risk Management

DT-GEO operates at the cutting-edge of geophysics and supercomputing. The project harnesses the capabilities of high-performance computing to model, analyze, and ultimately mitigate various geohazards. By creating community-centric codes and executing pilot projects, DT-GEO is committed to tackling the urgent scientific challenges magnified by climate change and social inequality. Our contributions are vital in breaking the cycle between natural disasters and deep-rooted inequality.

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EOSC Symposium 2024

DT-GEO at EOSC Symposium 2024

DT-GEO will be participating in the EOSC Symposium 2024, an important event focused on shaping the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) post-2027.


Flexible Frameworks for EOSC-Enabling and FAIR-Validation in DT-GEO

In the realm of geophysical research, the spotlight often shines on the dramatic—earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. However, behind the scenes, essential infrastructure quietly powers these scientific advancements. One such critical component is the flexible framework for EOSC-enabling and FAIR-validation of project assets and outcomes, integrated into the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) and HPC/virtual cloud computing Research Infrastructures (RIs). This framework, while not as immediately eye-catching as a volcanic eruption, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the data and tools researchers rely on are accessible, interoperable, and reusable.